Main activities and оutputs:
A 1 – Project management and Coordination
A 2 – Project Quality Management
A 3 – Dissemination and Exploitation

O1 – Research on behavioural attitudes towards second-chance entrepreneurship
O2 – Online self-assessment tool
O3 – Guide4Mentors
O4 – Guide to second chance entrepreneurs’ success

Main results:

  • Improved failure acceptance and dealing with societal prejudices;
  • Developed second chance entrepreneurship attitude and self-confidence, awareness and efficacy second-time entrepreneurs;
  • Gained mentoring and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills;
  • Exchange of know-how and transfer of knowledge between partners – all partners will learn the various backgrounds and their experience of all other partners;
  • New insights on topic of second-chance entrepreneurship – the topic will thoroughly researched and partners, will gain insights and will adopt the materials from specific perspective;
  • Implementing the project in cooperation, with organisations of different types and for different countries, the partners will further improve their ability to work as part of international team.

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